Marvel is surely looking into mixing things up in the comic book world.
He hails from Dearborn Michigan, is considered a “gentle giant”, and will star alongside Kamala Khan, the Pakistani American teen in a new Ms. Marvel comic, ““Magnificent Ms. Marvel #13.” In addition, his character has been described as ‘fun’ and ‘mysterious’ by the makers, and will be making his role prominent in the years to come.
Created by Magnificent Ms. Marvel’s writer, Saladin Ahmed and Jordanian-American illustrator Sara Al-Fageeh, details about ‘Amulet’ reveal that is a Lebanese-American who goes by the name of Fadi Fadlalah.
In a recent interview, Ahmed shared, “As an Arab American who basically learned to read from Marvel Comics, being able to team up with the phenomenally talented Sara Al-Fageeh to bring Amulet into the Marvel Universe is literally a dream come true.” Al-Fageeh, shared this thought process with Ahmed as she was keen in drawing inspiration from Arabian roots, giving way to colors of blue and white that represent ‘Nazar’. This is a Middle Eastern symbol that protects one from evil eye.
“We tend to associate sharp corners and edges with evil, and rounded designs and circles with good. This character is a gentle giant, so I wanted to make sure that even with his size he was shaped like a friend,” she added.
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