Categories: تعليم

You can have a cockroach named after your ex for Valentine's Day


Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and unless you’re in a relationship (and you’re not allergic to flowers or overt displays of affection) it’s a hard pass. However, for those of us who are in the process of mending broken hearts post-break-up, there’s one way you can totally get behind this tedious tradition.

Quit buggin’ over your ex and give them the recognition they deserve, by putting their name to an equally as revolting creature – a cockroach. According to The Mirror, for just £1.50, you can name one of the UK’s Hemsley Conservation Centre’s resident cockroaches after your ex.

In return, you will receive a certificate marking said roach with their new name as well as and a quiz that compares your ex beau to it too. The move was a huge hit last year and has returned for a second year running.

Social media users are huge fans of the idea, with one writing: “So I just named a cockroach after my ex, to be fed to the meerkats on Valentine’s. And honestly it’s the best £1.50 I’ve ever spent.” Another said: “I never thought I’d say this, but I am going to purchase a cockroach.”

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