Categories: تعليم

A new Arabic horror series 'Paranormal' will be hosted by Netflix


As part of an effort to step its game up, Netflix will be adding another Middle Eastern production to its arsenal. This time, we’ll be getting an on-screen adaptation of Ahmed Khaled Tawfik’s iconic horror series Paranormal.

The series is set in the 1960s, the series, and harnesses the books’ mysterious and suspenseful nature while following Dr. Refaat Ismail as he begins to experience a number of supernatural events.

The show will be produced by Mohamed Hefzy, the award winning Egyptian screenwriter and producer who has written, produced, and co-produced nearly 30 feature films in Egypt and Amr Salama, the director of Excuse My French and Sheikh Jackson.

In an official statement, Salama said, “”I’m very excited about this project, It was my dream to adapt Paranormal of the late author Ahmed Khaled Tawfik and turn it into a drama since I ever wanted to be a filmmaker. I’m proud to present the books in a new light while still keeping the essence of Paranormal I can’t wait to introduce these exciting stories to the Netflix public in 190 countries around the world.”

This is the third Middle Eastern Netflix original show.

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