Categories: تعليم

Careem pedals into micro-mobility with Careem Bike


Careem has acquired UAE-based bike-share service Cyacle, marking its entry into the country’s micro-mobility space.

Cyacle will be re-branded as Careem Bike, the Uber-owned ride-hailing service said in a statement, adding that it will also launch a new standalone Careem Bike app for iOS and Android.

Users will be able to access the bikes via an app or physically at one of the smart docking stations with credit and debit cards, and the service will offer bikes through a range of daily to yearly memberships.

Careem said that it hopes to launch the service in more cities throughout the region over the next 12 months, offering greater first mile and last mile options for commuters in those cities.

Launched in December 2014, Cyacle is a fully-automated docked bike-share service currently operating in Abu Dhabi.

The announcement follows an update from Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority last year where it revealed that it was collaborating with Careem to launch a similar service in Dubai that will operate over 3,000 bicycles.

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