Categories: تعليم

Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington has checked into a wellness centre after the series finale


Over the past 9 years, we’ve all admittedly become incredibly attached to the characters in Game of Thrones and it’s been hard to let them go. But, imagine if the character was actually you.

Earlier this week we saw Kit Harington’s heartbreaking reaction to finding out Jon and Daenerys’s fate and it’s obviously taken a toll on him mentally. ​​​​​According to a representative, Kit has checked into a wellness centre to “work on some personal issues.”

In an email to BuzzFeed News, the representative said: “Kit has decided to utilize this break in his schedule as an opportunity to spend some time at a wellness retreat to work on some personal issues.”

Whilst interviewing with Variety, Kit told the magazine that he began having therapy after he discovered his character’s fate, saying: “I really didn’t like the focus of the whole show coming onto Jon,” he said. “When you become the cliffhanger of a TV show, and a TV show probably at the height of its power, the focus on you is fucking terrifying.”

The show’s conclusion has been hard on all of us, especially its stars (and it doesn’t help that some of us are constantly complaining about it)

Wishing Kit a speedy recovery!

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