Categories: تعليم

Busted's new music video pays tribute to Atlantis, The Palm


Anyone who was alive in the 2000s completely stanned Busted. As a female in that era, I personally spent hours contemplating the meaning of life if it was not Charlie’s bushy brows and wailed to ‘3AM’ whilst imagining the pain a fictitious breakup I was too young to have.

Anyway, as we’re practically reliving our childhoods with the reintroduction of hair scrunchies, neon and the Spice Girls, it seems fitting that we’re blessed with another reincarnation. Our favourite trio is back again with another epic bop.

It’s been 3 years since their last album and 16 years since their last ‘successful’ album so it’s safe to say it’s been a minute since we felt so blessed. And, to top it all off, the track’s video take place in one of Dubai’s most iconic spots.

This was certainly worth the wait

What. A. Journey.

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