Categories: تعليم

Lady Gaga’s new single is dropping Friday


This will be the first we hear from the singer since the “Star is Born” soundtrack. Lady Gaga has taken to her social media accounts, along with a billboard in Hollywood, to announce that her new single, “Stupid Love” will drop at midnight this Friday.

While details about the new song remain scarce, an early version of the song had been leaked on the internet a few weeks ago. The new song is a ‘disco-infused’ anthem, reminiscent of Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ record, according to Variety.

The singer had been teasing her fan base throughout 2019, hinting that she’s been working on new music, most recently posting a story on Instagram in September where she was seen in the studio. In March, she silenced rumors of her being pregnant by tweeting, “Rumors I’m pregnant? Yeah, I’m pregnant with #LG6.”

Information about who features on the record has also been kept under wraps. All we know is that producer Bloodpop (who has worked with Justin Bieber and Madonna in the past) was seen with Gaga in the studio last year.

We can’t wait to see what the singer has in store for us!

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