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We are all Brie Larson, who cannot stop talking about 'Animal Crossing'


It’s March 2020, which means it’s officially Animal Crossing: New Horizons season, bb! 

People can’t stop tweeting their excitement over the beloved franchise’s hotly-anticipated arrival on the Switch later this month, and that includes Academy-Award winning actress and Marvel superhero Brie Larson.

In one of the most heartwarming examples of “The Stars, They’re Just Like Us!” relatability, Larson retweeted her emotional reaction to the Nintendo Direct this past February that introduced fans to the new villagers coming to your town in New Horizons. She is all of us, even joining the choir of voices salivating over the recently revealed, unbearably adorable Animal Crossing-themed Switch.

It later became clear Larson possesses deep knowledge of Animal Crossing lore and the most important questions around New Horizons when she reiterated another fan’s concern over whether a fan-favorite, the irate groundhog Mr. Resetti, would return in the new game.

Luckily, we’ve got Larson covered on that front. At E3 2019, Mashable got the scoop on Nintendo’s official, devastating confirmation that Mr. Resetti had indeed been fired from his job as the aggro Save File police. But, they teased, he’d likely be part of New Horizons in a different capacity. 

Some fans think they found a clue when his classic (grating) theme music played during the Nintendo Direct over the section about the new game’s “Rescue Service” feature.

The Larson x Animal Crossing content reached its utter peak, though, when one brilliant fan made a thread comparing beloved villagers to various photos of Larson herself. The same energy vibes are undeniable.

The actor’s love of all things Nintendo is well-documented, too. In 2015 Larson told fans her favorite Wii U game at the time was Super Mario 3D World. In 2016 she tweeted, “At least Nintendo has stayed tender” in support of Super Mario Run‘s launch on the App Store. On the night of the release of Luigi’s Mansion 3 for Halloween 2019, Larson geeked like any of us would over getting retweeted by Nintendo of America boss Doug Bowser.

We might be living in dark, divisive, cynical times. But one thing we can all agree on is the purity of one’s love for the wholesome fun of Nintendo games, particularly Animal Crossing. We’re delighted that Larson is unabashed in sharing our geeky glee, rendering it not necessarily cool, but at least mainstream!

We see you, Brie. And we feel so seen by you too. Please let us visit your New Horizons‘ town 🙂

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