Categories: تعليم

Tori Spelling has issued an apology for a racially insensitive post of her daughter


Keeping celebs indoors is clearly not good for them. After the debacle of Gal Gadot’s murder of the classic ‘Imagine,’ and Vanessa Hudgens publicly losing the function of her last operational brain cell, actress Tori Spelling has jumped on the bandwagon of being severely out of touch.

Spelling posted an image of her daughter with a green bandana on her head and Cheetos for nails to her Instagram stories last week, saying: “Days kept inside we have to get creative…Hattie has become McQuisha in her Cheeto extension nails.”

Naturally, the internet went wild, dubbing the move as insensitive and racist

Although, for a lot of us, the apology seems a little bit “too little, too late,” Spelling went ahead and issued one anyway. And, it’s full of exactly what you’d expect. “I posted a story the other day that upset many of you. I’m truly sorry. That was NOT the intention at ALL,” she said.

“Hattie is 8. We watch and adore old reruns of Martin. She loves the character Sheneneh. She made up that name with ‘Mc’ because her last name is McDermott. She was reenacting the over-the-top fun and amazing character from Martin. She is innocent and didn’t mean anything by it.”

“I should have thought about how it could have been perceived and misconstrued before I posted,” she continued. “I did not. I’m truly sorry.”

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