Like pretty much everyone else in the world, Conan O’Brien is currently stuck at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Unlike everyone else, he’s had famed composer and playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda improvise a song about his at-home experiences.
Conan told Miranda the details of his day via Zoom, which involved a spinach smoothie and being dissed by his 14-year-old son. Miranda then took to his keyboard and belted out a short song from the late show host’s point of view, culminating in a stirring refrain of “OK boomer.”
“All you need is a little more time in quarantine, polish that up, you’ve got a great musical about another important historic figure,” said Conan.
Miranda also spoke about the Hispanic Federation’s Emergency Assistance Fund, which is helping Latino communities hit by the coronavirus pandemic, and making the EduHam curriculum free for families to use at home.
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