Categories: تعليم

Karl Wolf and Sean Kingston are back with a massive summer banger


Our younger years are coming around this year and we ain’t mad about it. From Aladdin to the Lion King and back round to the Spice Girls reunion tour, we’re living for these throwbacks.

But, there are a couple of names we did not expect to hear again and we definitely did not expect to hear them together.

Sean Kingston

And Karl Wolf

But, this is planet Earth and anything is possible. The pair of 00’s legends have teamed up with renowned Lebanese DJ and Producer, Jack Sleiman to produce what we’re officially putting on repeat until October.

The pop/reggaeton track, titled Remember is a wonderfully eargasmic fusion of the artists’ Lebanese, Jamaican, Canadian and American roots and tbh, that’s one heck of a menu.

The full track will be released on July 14 and you can betcha, we’ve marked our calendars.

Check out a sneak peek of the track here.

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