Categories: تعليم

Kevin Hart surprises doctor with a role in his next film for All-In Challenge


Comedian Kevin Hart just offered an anaesthesiologist a role in his next film through a fund-raising campaign for COVID-19.

The All in Challenge has seen some extremely generous acts of giving. The challenge, which is raising money for organizations that are helping feed the hungry during the pandemic, allows donors to share experiences with celebrities and athletes.

Henry Law, a doctor in New Jersey, said that he donated a “few hundred dollars” in a bid to win a speaking part, a trailer, assistant, car service, wardrobe and a stay in a five-star hotel for a future Hart movie.

Law was then informed that he was a finalist in the contest, following up with a FaceTime call from Hart himself, to let Law know that he had in fact won.

“This is big, man. This is bigger than big. This is huge,” Hart told Law. “You will be in my next movie. I repeat, you, Henry, you, Henry, will be in my next movie.”

Law has now won a bid that saw more than 10 million entries. “Even though there’s still lot of tragedy going on, we’re getting better at dealing with it,” Law said.

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