Categories: تعليم

Google reveals first official image of new, portable Nest smart speaker after photo leak


Here’s our first official look at Google’s new Nest smart speaker.

As first spotted by Android Police, leaked images of the unit show it’s about 22cm (8.66in) tall and the fabric covering extends around most of its area. It’s slimmer than the Google Home Max, and the form factor is, let’s say, in portrait rather than landscape. 

After Mashable reached out to Google, we were provided the above promotional image of the unit and the below video showing it being used in a home environment. Or to be more precise, showing two of the units placed on a shelf behind a couch, as well as being moved around the home, emphasising portability. 

This suggests the speaker is designed to be used in multiples linked around the home, similar to (and thus a direct competitor to) Sonos systems, as well as being highly portable. The hint at beefed-up speaker specs also tip it as a successor to the agreeably beefy Home Max.

The sky blue colour is the only one shown in the official assets, but the leaked images show a light grey unit.

While there were no further details provided, Google were probably originally hoping to reveal the unit at their annual I/O conference, which was cancelled back in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. They’re likely now saving the full announcement for the next Google Pixel product event, currently (if tentatively, given the state of things) tipped for October. 

Additional reporting by Brenda Stolyar.

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