Categories: تعليم

This is what Julia Roberts had to say about Pretty Woman's horrific alternative ending


There could’ve have been a violent ending to one of Hollywood’s most loved, iconic movies of all time, Pretty Woman. Yes, I am just as horrified as you are.

And, the beloved Disney movie that is one of Julia Roberts’ finest performances, was a role that Patricia Arquette auditioned for. Can you imagine Pretty Woman without the ethereal Julia Roberts? I can’t. Then again, I can’t even visualize the movie ending on a tragic note.

In conversation for Variety both the actresses reminisced about how different things would have been if the movie was produced as it was originally intended, titled ‘3000’.

And here’s how the ending for it would have looked like: Richard Gere, aka ‘Edward’, throwing ‘Vivian’ out of the car, throwing money on her, and abandoning her in the middle of nowhere.

Upon asking if Roberts would ever revive the original script and play the lead, she replied, “I couldn’t do it then, I couldn’t do it now; Thank god it fell apart!”

And truly, we are thanking god and all the higher powers that the script became the way it did, because honestly, I don’t want to live in a world where a movie like Pretty Woman ends so horribly.

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