Categories: تعليم

This prison in Jeddah is providing inmates with entertainment programs


The Saudi Arabia General Entertainment Authority has collaborated with the Briman Prison in Jeddah to provide its inmates with entertainment programs.

With a chance to participate in theatre and music courses, the prison is giving them a chance to participate in performances that their families can attend.

“I feel like it’s a dream… I wasn’t expecting to be able to be part of an entertainment event which my family can come and share with me,” an inmate said while speaking to Al Arabiya.

This step to provide to help prisoners comes as part of a bigger plan of the Saudi Ministry of Interior’s long-term commitment to rehabilitation. “The General Directorate of Prisons is fully aware of the important role it has in the area of rehabilitation and care that inmates require. There is no doubt that the programs of training, rehabilitation and employment of prisoners play a key role in the success of this reform policy,” reads the website for the Ministry.

As reported by Stepfeed, data gathered from previous programs similar in nature show that 558 prisoners in the Jeddah authority had taken part in workshops that ranged from theatre, poetry and education in 2015. In addition to this, the Saudi Ministry of Interior are making sure, through thiqah (confidence program), that prisoners are well-equipped to become a part of their societies again.

“We add them to WhatsApp groups, we look out for them, and have activities for prisoners after they’ve left, we take them on beach activities — we continue to help them,” said an official at the Briman Prison.

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