Categories: تعليم

Suits made a not-so-subtle nod to Meghan Markle's absence


Last year, an estimated 18 million people watched what was one of the biggest weddings in history as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shared their vows flitted off into the sunset.

But, before there was the Duchess of Sussex, there was Rachel Zane. In order to submerge herself into her new life, Meghan left her 9-season long role on the series Suits.

At the end of the previous season Rachel and her husband Mike Ross moved to Seattle and although fans were not expecting to see her again, there were talks of a little cameo from Mike. Which, is exactly what they got. And, as an ode to her character, her former costars gave a cheeky wink to just how well she’s getting on in her new life.

After Mike makes a brief return, lawyer Katrina Bennett, played Amanda Schull, asks Mike how Rachel is doing, he replies: ‘Good, in fact, if I told you how good you probably wouldn’t believe me.’

Oh we believe you, Mike!

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