Categories: تعليم

Egyptian TV host, Riham Saeed has been suspended for insulting comments about "fat" people


Egyptian presenter Riham Saeed has been suspended from her position over comments insulting “fat” people.

The decision to suspend Saeed came after she was interrogated by the Supreme Council for Media Regulation because the National Council for Women (NCW) brought her comments to light.

She made the comments whilst on air for the hit show, Sabaya.” During filming she said, “You lose part of your femininity if you are fat,” Saeed said, “they are burdens on their families and on the state, and are an eyesore.”

Taking to her Instagram account, Saeed has defended herself saying she has been discussing the topic of obesity on her show for years and asking why people were only responding negatively now.

Social media users were outraged by Saeed’s comments and called upon the TV channel, Al-Hayah, to have her fired from the show.

Saeed’s name began trending on twitter

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