Categories: تعليم

Forever 21 might be going under, but at least we have these memes


Fast-fashion empire and pointless graphic tee slogan enthusiast Forever 21 is preparing to (potentially) file for bankruptcy, and honestly? The internet might be a little too excited.

While it’s unclear what exactly this means for the future of the company, the potential to scale back and close down some locations can only mean one thing — massive sales.

Some fashion-forward denizens of the web are thrilled! Imagine all the Hot Cheetos-themed fits you can get now at a low, low price! But others pointed out that Forever 21 had played themself for that exact reason. Who could possibly want to step out looking like a walking billboard for a Brand™️?

But capitalism is calling, so grab your United States Postal Service clutch, Cheetos slides, and Top Ramen sweater — it’s time for fresh-cut some memes.

RIP Forever 21 — we’ll keep your “I Hate Mondays” and “Fries Before Guys” t-shirts forever in our hearts.

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