Categories: تعليم

Taylor Swift’s latest album ‘Lover’ gets certified Platinum


Did we see this coming or did we see this coming?

According to Republic Records, Taylor Swift’s latest album has crossed of 1 million in just U.S sales, earning itself a platinum certification after just four weeks of its release. In addition, ‘Lover’ also marked the biggest week of any album in the U.S since Swift’s 2017 ‘Reputation’.

With global sales adding up to 3 billion, Swift’s seventh album was one that fans were anticipating more than usual after the controversy broke that the artist had lost rights to all her previous music.

Upon release on August 23rd, all eighteen songs on the album went on to chart on the Billboard Hot 100. Not only has she been enjoying this side of success, but the album in general has received extremely positive feedback from fans and critics.

Seems like there is no stopping this powerhouse; Swift will also tour this album next year in LA and Massachusetts, while further venues are still to be announced. The European leg of the tour will begin in Belgium, with locations such as Norway, Denmark and Portugal also making it to the roster.

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