Categories: تعليم

Teen uses TikTok to call out China's treatment of Muslims under the guise of a makeup tutorial


Social media has the power to turn even the best-kept secrets into public knowledge. That is, with the help of users who refuse to be silenced. 17-year-old Feroza Aziz used TikTok in a way that’s not particularly conventional for the music video app – to highlight the atrocities against Muslims in China, dubbing the situation “another Holocaust.”

“So, the first thing you need to do is grab your lash curler, curl your lashes, obviously,” Aziz says at the start of the now-viral video.

“Then, you’re gonna put them down and use the phone you’re using right now to search what’s happening in China, how they’re getting concentration camps, throwing innocent Muslims in there. … This is another Holocaust, yet no one is talking about it,” she continued. Aziz then resumes curling her lashes. TikTok disabled Aziz’s account temporarily, although did not give an explanation as to why.

Recently, leaked documents detailed the mistreatment and abuse of China’s Uyghur Muslim including keeping Muslims in camps across the country. The documents were deemed evidence that the country runs detention camps that are kept secret, participated in involuntary and used for ideological “education transformation”.

There have been a number of accounts from victims detailing abuse, torture and rape.

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