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This hilarious Instagram shares the best (and worst) airplane passengers

This hilarious Instagram shares the best (and worst) airplane passengers


For some of us, flying is a wonderfully relaxing experience. Sitting back in your chair, with no responsibilities, sipping something bubbly while you wait patiently to arrive at your fabulous holiday destination or return home. But, for some of us, it can be an incredibly stressful experience. Being surrounded by strangers in a confined space suspended in the sky with practically inedible food being thrusted at you.

Although the former may struggle with what can be deemed terrible by the latter, there’s quite a lot of evidence to suggest that flying is, in fact, awful. Providing the evidence is Instagram account @passengershaming which features photos showing the absolute worst parts about flying (the people), taken by their fellow passengers.

Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts

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