Woman mourns her dead boyfriend, only to bump into him two years later

Woman mourns her dead boyfriend, only to bump into him two years later


Relationships are complicated, there’s no denying that. But, in some cases, things go perilously beyond “complicated.”

At the age of 18, Rachel began a relationship with a man who worked at the bar she worked at. As reported by ABC.net.au, about three months into the relationship, he reportedly came home with a broken hand after a fight that he said was not his fault. As this affected his ability to work, she loaned him $1,000 to keep him afloat until his hand had healed.

They broke up shortly after and his roommate told her that he had began moving stuff from his home. “Furniture was gone, bed was gone, everything was gone,” she said.

“The initial story was he’d gone to rehab in Queensland,” she said, but she had never thought he used drugs.

After discussing with mutual friends, she realised that he had been borrowing money from multiple people. She worked out that he owed $2,200 in informal personal debt.

“The moment we went ‘OK, he owes everyone money’, the anxiety and urgency of the situation ramped up,” she said. “The story was falling apart really, really quickly.”

Then, she received a call from a friend who told her that he had died. And, his mum confirmed this by telling his friends her son had been murdered.

Two years (and a lot of grieving later) Rachel was dining in a restaurant where her apparently deceased boyfriend’s brother used to work. She decided to say hello and asked a waitress if he was working that day. She said, “no, but his brother is”.

She asked the waitress to bring him to see her, but the restaurant’s manager asked them to leave. After that, her ex’s mother got in contact once again to tell her that she’d got her son fired.

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