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Lizzo's 'Truth Hurts' has inspired the most hilarious Twitter trend

Lizzo's 'Truth Hurts' has inspired the most hilarious Twitter trend


Lizzo is life. Since taking the world by storm with her zero-effs attitude, killer vocals and curves for days, the singer has become one of the biggest icons in the music industry. With tracks like ‘Juice’ and ‘Boys’, the artists lyrics are nothing if not super empowering. However, it’s her boss babe anthem ‘Truth Hurts,’ that is inspiring people in a hilarious way.

Lizzo starts the song with “I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that b*tch,” and, it turns out the Twitterverse is a whole lot of other things too.

1. This little Panic! throwback

2. And this MCM throwback that’s making my inner emo scream-sing

3. A different kind of hurtful truth

4. This apparent… cry for help?

5. Hard relate

6. And this

7. These Jerry Springer vibes

8. This perfectly halal joke

9. Wait… what?

10. This idea that I’m now stealing.. bye!

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