Watch Aubrey Plaza pour milk into her nose on 'Hot Ones'

Watch Aubrey Plaza pour milk into her nose on 'Hot Ones'


The sarcastic legend herself, Aubrey Plaza, is the latest guest on Hot Ones. Please enjoy watching her try to keep a straight face while battling up against some of the hottest wings known to humankind. 

Host Sean Evans starts out by asking if Plaza believes in ghosts or spirits, in anticipation of her upcoming movie, Child’s Play. She responds that her cat got hit by a car, yet later on mysteriously crawled out of the cemetery and right back home. Whether or not the story is legit, Plaza keeps up her poker face. 

The two also discuss her meteoritic rise to fame, including being tricked into performing standup following a set by Adam Sandler, and her iconic role on Parks and Rec.

Yet her calm and cool facade breaks down around the Trinidad Scorpion sauce, where Evans asks a question about her sarcastic persona, but she’s too busy feeling the heat. “Can you use words that are easy?” 

“I don’t care anymore,” she responds to his questions, and proceeds to aggressively gargle milk. Eventually, she the pours the milk straight into her nose. What a queen! 


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