Saudi Twitter has major issues with Nicki Minaj performing in Jeddah

Saudi Twitter has major issues with Nicki Minaj performing in Jeddah


Yesterday, it was announced that Nicki Minaj will headline the biggest live music event ever staged in Saudi Arabia. Today, people are voicing their (pretty big) concerns about the decision.

Nicki will be performing along with musician Steve Aoki, and singer Liam Payne at the huge event taking place on 18 July at King Abdullah Sports City Stadium.

The ‘Anaconda’ singer is known for racy outfits, outlandish behaviour and some pretty graphic lyrics – all of which don’t seem to resonate with Saudi Arabia’s laws and beliefs. The general consensus amongst people is confusion amidst outrage.

So, many people took to Twitter to vent

“You can’t ask me to wear the abaya and dress conservative to a concert where you’re bringing Nicki Minaj and all her vulgarity and her songs about shaking her a–. What the f—“

“Include her photo, it makes no difference.”

“Next time bring Mia Khalifa.”

Minaj’s music have also stirred controversy due to one of her hit songs concluding with “wrap like the things on the head of a Saudi.”

But, among all the chaos, Nicki fans in Saudi are still pretty excited

Will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

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