Marvel honors Stan Lee on his death anniversary

Marvel honors Stan Lee on his death anniversary


It’s been one year since one of the greatest minds of our generation passed away and left this world a little less colourful, a little less heroic.

Stan Lee, the iconic comic book creator that is responsible for creating the Marvel Universe along with it’s most beloved superheroes, died last year on November 12, just around his 96th birthday.

From providing us with Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and many more, Lee was known most for his cameos in the Marvel movies. When news broke that Lee had passed away, the introduction to the ‘Captain Marvel’ was dedicated to him.

To honor his one year death anniversary, Marvel posted a beautiful artwork of Lee surrounded by all the heroes the man gifted the world with. This artwork, created by Adam Kubert, includes Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Hulk, She-Hulk and the Black Panther among several others vital to the MCU. In addition, Marvel’s website posted a beautiful video titled, ‘Remembering Stan Lee’ with links to all the stories that highlight his life’s achievements and career.

The Twitter world too, comprised of Lee’s avid fans, took to the social media platform to share their artworks and words of praise for Lee and all that the man meant to them.

The comic world is never going to be quite the same without you, Lee.

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