Saudi students panic when snake slithers out of girl's bag

Saudi students panic when snake slithers out of girl's bag


A mass panic was caused in a Saudi university when a snake snuck out of a student’s bag. As reported by Saudi Gazette, the girl had brought the snake into the class at Taibah University in Madinah in order to scare her fellow students.

The snake emerged from the bag and began moving freely throughout the computer lab before being noticed and spooking the other students. It was quickly deemed as unthreatening, with no fangs and non-venomous, and was removed from the site.

The university said all the regular and legal actions will be taken against the girl. “The university is deeply concerned with the safety and well being of all the students to ensure an educational environment which is free from dangers and risks,” it added.

The snake had been imported into the Kingdom and later bought by the girl.

READ NEXT: Saudi man was arrested for taking his pet lion for a walk around Jeddah

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